You’ve Got Questions - I’ve Got Answers
What hospitals does Dr Bennett Operate out of?
For Privately insured patients Dr Bennett operates at St Andrew's Private hospital, Ipswich and for Intermediate patients Ipswich General Hospital.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
A referral from another doctor will enable the patient to claim back the Medicare component of the fee if they are eligible. Heath fund details. DVA or BLUE pension card. Any scans, hearing tests or blood tests that are pertaining to the consultation.
Will my heath insurance cover my visit in the rooms?
No. Health insurance covers you for in hospital care but not treatment in the rooms.
Do you do the Medicare Online Claiming?
How much will the consultation cost?
A full disclosure of fees for initial and followup consultations, as well as any office-based procedures, are available from the receptionist when phoning to make appointments.
Is there parking at the surgery?
Yes however spaces for free parking are limited. There is metered parking in Pring Street.